Healthy Recipes


Hot Lemon Drink

Hot lemon drink…when did we start drinking this? Well, over two years ago, we headed over to Nepal to host our first Beyond Workshop for photographers. We stayed with our dear friends, Gautam & Rekha, and their very large family.  As many of you know, like in India, drinking tea is a very integral part of the culture in Nepal.  And typically that tea is filled with milk and sugar, two things that aren’t always beneficial to one’s health, especially...

Chatpate: A Nepali Snack

We have traveled to Nepal many times, and this snack is like coming “home” to our Nepali family.  It’s amazing what food does to induce nostalgia and bring back beautiful memories.  This is a snack you can easily find being sold on the streets of Kathmandu any day of the week.  Our favorite place to eat it is in the home of our dear Nepali family.  But since we can’t be there with them today, we can make it here...

Super Easy, 5 minute Guacamole Recipe!

Guacamole!  This guacamole recipe is seriously my favorite thing to eat for lunch a snack.  Okay, let’s be real.  I often eat it for lunch.  But it’s so good for you! It’s full of heart healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and magnesium, and it’s so fresh and delicious.  And it takes 5 minutes to make! INGREDIENTS 1 Cup organic Cilantro 2 organic Avocados 1/4 cup finely chopped organic Red Onion 1/2 of an organic Lime...

Peppermint Teff Brownies – Gluten-Free

Nina and I spent 3 months in Ethiopia while we were in the adoption process of Lex and Tizzy. During this time we were introduced to a flour called Teff. The Ethiopians use Teff to make Injera. It is a flat, sponge-like bread that is high in iron. They use this bread to eat their food with, instead of silverware. It is mostly because they eat a lot of what Americans would call stews or wot, in Amharic. It is nearly...