Essential Oils


Is Your Fabric Softener Poisoning You?

If there is one easy way to start your journey to a chemical-free life, it’s getting rid of your fabric softener. As a matter of fact, it’s probably the most harmful thing you are coming into contact with on a daily basis in your house.  I know, I know.  I’ve made some of you incredibly sad, and perhaps even defensive.  I know some of you are obsessed with your fabric softeners.  If you’re like me, you probably use liquid fabric softener and dryer...

Peppermint Teff Brownies – Gluten-Free

Nina and I spent 3 months in Ethiopia while we were in the adoption process of Lex and Tizzy. During this time we were introduced to a flour called Teff. The Ethiopians use Teff to make Injera. It is a flat, sponge-like bread that is high in iron. They use this bread to eat their food with, instead of silverware. It is mostly because they eat a lot of what Americans would call stews or wot, in Amharic. It is nearly...