DIY Lotion with Essential Oils : Toxin-free

May 9, 2019

Okay, folks.  Here’s a glorious lotion that you can make all by yourself and it’s super easy.  You don’t need to be a genius in the kitchen.  You don’t have to have every essential oil on the planet.  If you’ve got access to Amazon and some pure essential oils (these are the ONLY ones we use in our household), you are set!

1/2 cup Shea Butter (we like this one)
1/2 cup Cocoa Butter (try this one)
1/2 cup Coconut Oil (I ordered this one)
1/2 cup light oil (like almond, jojoba or olive…I used grapeseed oil)
Optional: 10-40 drops of essential oils of choice (the ONLY oils we use)

-In a double boiler or glass bowl, combine all ingredients except essential oils. I don’t have a double boiler, so I use my pyrex and hang it on the side of the pot.

-Bring to medium heat and stir constantly until all ingredients are melted.-Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Add essential oils if using. Don’t use a wooden or plastic spoon when mixing essential oils. It will be difficult to remove the scent from these materials.  I like to use a stainless steel spoon or fork, or even a toothpick to mix my oils in. (I used a lot of essential oil because that’s how I roll. And I also don’t love the smell of shea butter, so I used a bunch of my favorite essential oils this time. I would avoid citrus oils because they are photosensitive and can cause more sensitivity to the sun.)-Move to fridge and let cool another 1 hour or until starting to harden but still somewhat soft.
-Use a hand mixer or KitchenAid mixer to whip for a few minutes until fluffy. At first, it will seem brown and rigid, but after a few minutes, it will start to get whiter and look like whipped cream (only thicker).
Store in a glass jar with a lid and use as you would regular lotion or body butter. If your home stays above 75 degrees, it may soften and need to be kept in the fridge, but it will stay solid at a temperature lower than that.

It looks like a delicious whipped cream.  My kids wanted to eat it.  Don’t eat it.  I mean, it’s toxin-free, but it won’t taste very good.

When you first put it on, it may seem a little greasy.  It’s not.  Give it a couple of minutes to absorb.  Your skin will thank you.  Also, check out the benefits of all the essential oils I used.  They are all so good for the skin! Typically I would use 1 or 2 different oils and do about 40 drops in this recipe.  This time I did 5-10 of each of the ones in the above photo. Have fun and make it your own!

If you are interested in jumping into the world of essential oils and toxin-free living, shoot me a message at  Join our oily family and get loved on by us!