

Listen to “Are You Big Rock Ready?” on Spreaker. Friday Edition! We talk about having the correct foundations in our lives to ensure that we have a secure and healthy existence, whether in ourselves and in our relationship with others. There’s a snippet on the benefits of Young Living Essential Oils to assist with this. Have a great weekend!...

Election Eve Thoughts 2018

Listen to “Election Eve 2018 (Midterm)” on Spreaker. On Election Eve 2018 we have two very special Political Pundits: Lex Mullins and Eliana Mullins. My 8 year-old twins weigh in on the House of Representatives Race in Kentucky. Then we look at the twins favorite American Revoluntary Figures. After they run off to bed we look at our motivations for voting for tomorrow. There is a need to stop demonizing our opponents and see them as people we disagree with...

Are You Toxic to Yourself?

Listen to “Are You Toxic to Yourself?” on Spreaker. It’s FRIDAY!! We end this week on an encouraging challenge. Are your thoughts and perceptions of yourself toxic to you being successful in achieving all your dreams and passions? If we let others tell us who we are or what we can do (in the negative) because of where we came from or how we look, then we will begin to believe it and affirm it in ourselves. There is another...

Are Your Moods Toxic?

Listen to “Are You In A Bad Mood?” on Spreaker. Are you in a perpetually bad mood? Are you looking for a way out of the Labyrinth of despair? Did you know that being a jerk or a “wet blanket” is not a personality trait? It is actually just poor communication skills. Today I discuss ways to help you scale this seemingly insurmountable mountain. There are ways of thinking that need to change, meditation and prayer to consider, a regiment...

Are Your Thoughts Correct?

Listen to “Are Your Thoughts Correct?” on Spreaker. Podcast: Wes Mullins Yesterday we talked about identifying toxic thoughts, today we look at how to go from good thoughts to truth thoughts. We look at logical fallacies and how to spot them to give you the tools to do it yourself. Don’t be a pawn for the media or social media and react to every sound bite; learn the art of language and logic. It may be a mind bender for...