

Are You Toxic to Yourself?

Listen to “Are You Toxic to Yourself?” on Spreaker. It’s FRIDAY!! We end this week on an encouraging challenge. Are your thoughts and perceptions of yourself toxic to you being successful in achieving all your dreams and passions? If we let others tell us who we are or what we can do (in the negative) because of where we came from or how we look, then we will begin to believe it and affirm it in ourselves. There is another...

30 Days of Happy: Choosing Joy

Okay, so here I go. Starting tomorrow, September 4th, I am starting 30 Days of Happy. Over the next 30 days I’m choosing joy. What does that mean?  Well, let’s start with what it doesn’t mean first. It doesn’t mean that I’m going to be smiling all day long like a lunatic. It doesn’t mean that I’m going to pretend things are fine when they aren’t. Here’s what it does mean: It means that I will look to joy every...

These Oxford Dreams

These Oxford days are precious.  Spring has arrived here in the city of dreaming spires, and it seems that every person, after a long and dark winter, steps a little lighter down these ancient streets. Last month I spoke of praying for an island.  As of right now, no island (that I have recognized, at least) has risen up out of the endless waters, but still we wait in expectation.  I would be lying if I didn’t say that fear...

A Toast to Small Business Owners

Small businesses…they are everywhere. When I was growing up, it was just really old people (well they seemed old to me) that owned their own small businesses. Today, in the era of social media empires and online shopping, it seems that small businesses belong to young and old, introverted and extroverted…everyone is eligible and opportunity is everywhere. Nearly 12 years ago, Wes and I shot our first wedding. Soon thereafter, we decided to make a go at building a photography...

Praying for an Island in Oxford

It has been a while since we updated you about our adventures here in Oxford, city of Dreaming Spires. In short, we are completely and utterly happy here.  We feel at home in this old city full of beauty and history.  The longer I am here, the more I am convinced that you can make any place feel like home as long as you give it a chance. Being here makes you want to speak like the locals…you want to...

I’m Tired of being Tired.

I’m tired of being tired.  I’m exhausted and I’ve been exhausted for years. This isn’t a tale of woes, nor is it a tale of mistakes.  It is just a tale…a true one at that. It is not meant to discourage or even encourage.  It is just a telling…it is our story. So grab a cup of coffee or tea or a good ale or cider and settle in…this is going to be a long one. For the past 11+...

This is Just The Beginning…

Welcome to Magic is Essential, a blog about health, travel, faith, inspiration, and dreams (really, it’s a little bit of everything)! You have probably landed here because you have seen our giveaways on Instagram, and are getting excited with us as we give away products from companies that make a positive impact on the world with their businesses.  We love businesses that give back, which is something we are passionate about. But we hope you will keep coming back because...