Are Your Thoughts Toxic?

October 29, 2018

Listen to “Are Your Thoughts Toxic?” on Spreaker. 

Podcast: Wes Mullins

Post by: Wes Mullins 

Good Monday Morning!! Welcome to Unabashedly Resolute Podcast, on Magic is Essential Radio. I’m your host today, Wes Mullins. This Podcast has been brought to you by Magic Is Essential – It is not that we ask too much of God, it is that we ask too little. Dare to Dream the Impossible, Bring your Imagination to Life.

The Oil of the Week Is: Lemon. This can be found in the Young Living Starter Kit.   It is great for Immune Support and preventative health measures. I first discovered the preventative aspects of this on a trip to Nepal. I started drinking Hot Lemons every day (after I was introduced to them by my host Guatum) and the craziest thing happened. I wasn’t getting sick more. Seasonal effects caused a lot of discomfort for me over the years but now that I was drinking freshly squeezed lemon drinks my gut health was supported extremely well. I have found that the vitality line from Young Living offers the same support, but for a better value (organic Lemons are pretty expensive for everyday use). This and other Young Living Supplements have helped me continue my preventative measures and I remain free from the seasonal discomforts that so plagued my life before. If you want to learn more about how to do this for yourself, or you are just interested in Essential Oils click on the link above to go directly to the Young Living Site or go to to learn more about us and our story with Essential Oils.

Let’s get caught up on what happened this weekend:

Today is the 29th of October, just a few days before All Hollows Eve, better known as Halloween! The day before All- Saints day, which is actually about contemplating our journey toward Heaven. However, for some reason, it wasn’t quite as catchy as Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter….even Labor gets more love than All Hallows Eve.

Does everyone has their costume ready? Lex, my 8-year-old son, is going as a Ravenclaw Wizard, and Eliana, my 8 years-old Daughter is going as Mary Poppins. Nina and her best Friend, Lisa, haven’t decided what duo they will go as this year. They’ve been Harry Potter geeks, Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon, who knows what genius idea they have planned. We’ll all have to wait and see. We are waiting to be amazed and entertained.

 The Boston Red Sox won the World Series. Kentucky Wildcats beat Missouri to go 7-1 for the first time since 1977. They are ranked 11th in the Nation and I couldn’t be more proud or shocked. Kentucky Basketball Season has begun, they are 2nd in the Nation and I am proud but not shocked. They are going to be amazing this year.

The leaves are starting to change color. Autumn is here and it is the best time of the year. I always say that autumn is like a good sigh after a long, hard days work of summer.

In tragic news, there was a shooting in a Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Our hearts and prayers are with them today. We live in the safest time in history, statistically yet there is no guarantee of tomorrow whether by our own actions or actions of others. My opinion on this is the willful murder of any person is immoral and a gross misuse of free will. We are all capable of such atrocities. We all live by and feed our favorite heresies (prejudices, biases, pet peeves, preferences). The thought process in our brain can become obsessive and even become necessary for us to feel normal. Hating President Trump with all the disdain and vitriol you can muster, will be damaging to your psyche. Hate never produces love, forgiveness, change, or justice. Hate only attracts hate: The Law of Attraction. Or maybe your habit is calling Liberals derogatory names and telling your kids they are the scum of the earth. Those words will take root in the soil or their minds and hearts and produce an orchard of resentment, anger, disdain, and possibly violence. Each of us is a cautionary tale for the next. CS Lewis says that there are no ordinary people, or mere mortals, only immortals. Be careful how you talk about people and how you think about them. This may cause toxic neuropathways in your brain that will become a nasty habit to overcome.

Reading a negative post about someone you hate is like being wrapped in a cozy blanket of self-righteousness…it is so comfortable. One of our problems, mine too, is that we strive for comfort, not truth. “If you seek comfort you will find neither comfort nor truth, if you search for Truth, you may well find both.” It can become addictive to read articles that feed your hate. It is similar to when you get a notification on your phone, it releases endorphins, so too does imbibing a little more of the poison you so love on a daily basis. How many times do you check Fox News or MSNBC a day or whatever news source you use? What are you looking for? If Donald Trump signed a bill into law that made cancer drugs free would you give him credit or still find a way to murder him in your heart? The same for conservatives, if Hillary Clinton sold everything and gave it to your favorite charity and reversed her stance on abortion would you cheer it on, or harbored seething hatred in your heart…because you’ve done it for so long?

The toxicity in your mind and body can actually have as damaging effects as toxic, external chemicals. There are inferences that hatred can be linked to cancer and laughter/joy has been linked to cancer treatments. How we think and what we spend our time thinking about can have physical effects on our bodies, our futures, and affect our families. Why do we give these drug pushers (news outlets) the time of day? What have they done to deserve your loyal purchasing? Your time and health are valuable, why waste it on people and things that are only going to become habits that could kill you or that you will have to break later.

There are great examples of how to get rid of toxicity in your thinking from Jesus to Victor Frankl to Corrie Ten Boom, etc. This week we will look at the stories of the men and women who have overcome negative and toxic thinking, instead embraced forgiveness and hope, and fared so much better than those who gave in to the Dark Side.

You have a choice at what information you let affect your thinking and a choice of what thinking you allow yourself to think. You can detoxify your brain with a little hard work and a lot of hope. Here’s my challenge to you: for 14 days learn to recognize negative and toxic thoughts. We tell our kids when they are arguing, to analyze their words they are using: did any of those words come from a place of honor, love, compassion, and respect? If not, then they probably are not the right words to use.

II Corinthians 10:5, Paul urges us to take our thoughts captive. After two weeks of learning to recognize those bad thoughts, then spend two weeks trying to stop those thoughts in your brain and from having an influence on your life and your attitude. Amazing things are in store for your heart and mind if you take this four-week challenge. Life changing things are in store for you. Good Luck and Have a great Monday.